First Party Services

Revx Recovery

First 30 Days Campaign Builder

The RevX campaign builder is a free service, which allows clients to customize their collection strategy. By answering a few short questions:

  • Type of financial product, business service or product
  • Billing method and re-payment terms
  • Accepted forms of payment
  • Commercial and/or consumer customers
  • Location of customer base – national / state
  • Is there an internal collection effort with a dedicated person(s)

After answering these simple questions, clients are provided a collection strategy document.

The collection strategy document allows clients to set collection procedures/rules, select customer communication templates (letters/emails/text) and collection call scrips.

Once the collection strategy document is set, a collection campaign is ready to launch.

Collection Strategy Document

We review a creditor’s current collection process, payment processing systems and technology (i.e. CRM) used as a case management system and/or how to export accounts for servicing.

Strategy Implementation & Launch

RevX clients are ready to launch their First Party Campaign within days.

Next 30-60 Days Campaign Launch


Revx Recovery

RevX clients gain 24/7 access through our cloud based client portal to all of their accounts, so they can review and monitor collection efforts at the account level made on their behalf.


RevX management monitors all collection activities, including digital correspondence and collection phone calls for performance and compliance purposes. Call recordings and agent scorecards are made available for our creditor clients.

Client Management

A RevX Collection Manager will schedule a weekly management call with you to review collection analytics, performance, strategy and any compliance-related issues. These management calls last anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes and are included with the First Party Collection Service.

Revx Recovery

Next 60-90 Days Collection Management

Campaign Management

Collection strategy adjustments tend to be made, implemented and monitored over the first 30-60 days after a campaign launch.

Reporting & Analytics

System access, custom reports and weekly management meetings continue with a sharp focus on recovery results, customer satisfaction and segmentation of non-paying accounts.

Escalation Management

During a client's monthly performance call, RevX collection managers may recommend accounts for closure or escalation to outside "Third Party Collections.

Are You Ready to Start a First Party Collection Strategy?